Basketball for girls in brighton
Looking for basketball for girls in Brighton? Look no further. Brighton Cougars
Get the power with Cougars
Get the power with Cougars - Friday's 'Power Circuits' will be a fun and challenging session specifically designed
Junior basketball with Brighton Cougars
Junior basketball with Brighton Cougars. Brighton Cougars ‘All Stars’ session takes place at Dorothy Stringer sports hall 9.30-10:45 on Saturdays. The session is
Women’s basketball open hoop session
Women’s open basketball session with Brighton Cougars. Ideal for all standards..
Mens basketball with Brighton Cougars - open hoop session
Men’s open hoop session starts in September. To receive the latest details on this session just contact us through the website.
Summer camp update
Cougars summer camp ended on Friday 28 July by when over 80 different players had attended.
Cougars not affiliated with B-right-on Basketball
Recently there has been some confusion regarding B-right-on Basketball which started earlier this year and their connection to our club.
Extraordinary General Meeting
Extraordinary General Meeting to be held at Dorothy Stringer Canteen on 21st July 2011, 7.30 -9pm; agenda and further information to follow shortly.
Enquire today
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