Information for parents
When selected to play for Brighton Cougars, there are a number of commitments and expectations that are obliged to be met by the player. This article highlights those as well as the commitment the Club will give the player in return.
Brighton Cougars Basketball Club
The Coaches and Management are fully committed to teaching and improving our players’ ability and we do this by organising a range of training sessions and training camps throughout the season/year. We do have a level of expectation for each player but these organised sessions are in place to help them achieve that, as well as provide support and guidance along the way.
We know from experience that when the coaches, players and parents/guardians all work together, a positive and enjoyable environment is created. This not only helps player’s personal development but it strengthens the bond between teammates.
We truly feel we have a great group of players for this season who can achieve a great deal individually but more importantly, as a team.
Membership Fees
Membership fees cover
- Court time and costs for training sessions
- League registrations and insurance
- Referees and table officials at games
- Team kit
Team Communications & Teamer
All team communication will be done via the team management app; TEAMER ( as we find this the most effective and efficient way to connect with our players / parents / guardians.
Team training sessions
We will expect players to attend all weekly training sessions and be available for the scheduled games. If however, a player is unable to attend a game, please supply a reason when you decline on Teamer.
Players must arrive no more than 15 minutes prior to training sessions, and in time to be ready to start at the scheduled time. For both training and matches, please wear appropriate attire, boots and bring water in a sports bottle.
Please check your Teamer schedules for any time changes. All notifications of games will be done via TEAMER.
Team Selection
Rules regarding selection include, but are not limited to;
- Regular attendance at training
- Attentiveness and attitude
- Ability to understand the offence and defence
- Ability to follow directions and be coachable
- Fitness & Skill
It is also important to note that players develop at different speeds, to different levels. Equally, some players provide a core element to the team, in skill and knowledge - these players will often play more minutes as they ensure overall functionality of the team. The amount of playing time for each player is managed by the coach and their decision is final.
Games & Team kit
If selected for a game we would ask that you arrive no later than 30 minutes prior to the scheduled tip.
Team kit will be given out by the Team Manager or Coach on the day.
As a gesture to the club and coaches, it would be gratefully accepted if you were able to wash the team kit from time-to-time.
Club Code of Conduct
Brighton Cougars Basketball Club has certain rules in place regarding the behavior of both players and parents / guardians. You can find these in full in our Club Code of Conduct.
However, there are a few points that we would like to highlight here:
- It will really help, if at games, Parents try not to coach, especially from the sidelines during games and at the half-time break - either in aspects of the game or the mental side. The Players will have quite an amount going on and we’re trying to inject a huge amount of information into their minds. We need the things that the coaches emphasise and choose to highlight to be the areas they focus on. It’s natural you should want to assist - your observations are more than likely, correct - it just overloads them in most coaches opinions.
- CHEERING IS GREAT! - cheering with instruction however may disconnect the player from the message and system we’re trying to get across. “Shoot, shoot it” from the sideline rarely helps. “Great job, well done” does.
- The car rides are not the time to pick the game apart. They are the time to tell players how proud you are of them, no matter what transpired in the game. I’m sure we all do this anyway.
I’d ask all the parents to take the 3 mins to watch this quick video - this Coach has done a very good job in summarising I think;