The Brighton Cougars 2018 Fundraising Calendar is coming....
Posted by Brighton Cougars on 29 November 2017
The first ever Brighton Cougars fundraising calendar is nearly here! Featuring photographs of all our teams and key dates for 2018, it's a must for all members. Calendars cost just £5 each and you can pre-order your copy today by dropping an email to stating your name, team and how many you would like to purchase. Please pay on collection from December 9th.
Please note that stocks are limited so make sure you pre-order your copy today to avoid disappointment!
The club would also like to thank the following local companies for their support in sponsoring this year's calendar: South Coast Jazz Festival, Cut'n'Edge Joinery, Martine Jans Jewellery, BN3 Electrical, Leaders Estate Agents, Watts in the Garden, Hybred Events, NatureShop, fitzGerald's Plumbing, Red Box Business, SG Design and Four Corners Print