Member Update: March 11 2021
Posted by Brighton Cougars on 11 March 2021
Following the recent publication of the government’s roadmap out of lock down, the club is very pleased to be able to confirm that junior basketball will be returning to Brighton Cougars from Monday April 12 and for seniors from Monday May 17. However, the Club will remain closed to new members until such time we can establish how many existing members will be returning.
As outlined by Basketball England’s Return to Play protocols we will resume training at Level 2 meaning that as per last autumn all players must undergo a temperature check and respond negatively to a series of health questions before each training session. There will also be a maximum of 30 per court including coaches and no spectators will be allowed. For details of the guidance please see
In effort to encourage as many of our members back to training as possible, we are also delighted to announce that we will be running a series of Return to Play camps at Dorothy Stringer from April 12 to 17 which will be FREE to existing members currently registered in any of our U11/12, U13/U14 or U15/U16 teams. This has been made possible by a Return to Play grant awarded to the club by Sport England.
Dates and times are as follows:
9am-12pm |
12.30pm-3.30pm |
Mon April 12 |
U13/U14 Boys LL & NL |
U15/U16 Boys LL & NL |
Tues April 13 |
U13/U14/U16 Girls |
Wed April 14 |
U15/U16 Boys LL & NL |
U13/U14 Boys LL & NL |
Thurs April 15 |
U12 Boys & U12 Girls |
Fri April 16 |
U13/U14/U16 Girls |
Sat Apr 17 |
U12 Boys & U12 Girls |
Please note that the U13/14 and U15/16 Boys will be split into the same groups as before i.e. Local and National League.
Unfortunately, at this time we are not able to extend the camps to include the City All Stars/U10s.
We will also be running a 3-day U12s camp for boys and girls in conjunction with Sussex University on April 12-14 (9am-3pm daily). The cost for a 3-day pass is £79. Any members aged 9-12 who wish to attend must book directly with the University using the following link
Regular training for all junior age groups including the City All Stars will resume from MONDAY APRIL 19 and run through until the end of the summer term on THURSDAY JULY 22. Training times are as before with the exception of those sessions previously held at BACA.
BACA unfortunately will not be opening to indoor third party lets until June 21 at the earliest, therefore those sessions have temporarily been moved to Stringer. All training will therefore take place at Dorothy Stringer until further notice.
Training times and venues for seniors remain TBA.
Age Group |
Day/Time |
City All Stars |
Saturdays 9.30-11.00am |
U12 Girls |
Saturdays 11.15-12.45pm |
U12 Boys |
Saturdays 11.30-1pm |
U13/14 Boys Local |
Sundays 10-11.30am |
Fridays 6.15-7.45pm |
U13/14 Boys National |
Mondays 6.15-7.45pm |
Wednesdays 6.30-8pm |
U13/14 Girls National |
Tuesdays 6.45-8.15pm |
Saturdays 1.00-2.30pm |
U15/16 Boys Local |
Sundays 10.15-11.45am |
Fridays 6.30-8pm |
U15/16 Boys National |
Mondays 6.30-8pm |
Wednesdays 6.45-8.15pm |
At the moment there are no competitive fixtures planned but we are still waiting to hear from both Basketball England and Basketball Sussex in this regard. If none are forthcoming and if government restrictions allow, the Club hopes to run a series of friendly fixtures and tournaments instead. More details to follow.
Fees will be emailed individually to members by the end of this month and will reflect any credit owed from Autumn 2021. Fees will be for training only and additional match fees will be payable for players taking part in any organised fixtures.
The Club remains closed to new members until such time as we can establish how many existing members will be returning. Therefore, if you know that your child will NOT be returning, please email as soon as possible so that we may offer your child’s place to someone on our waiting list.
PLEASE NOTE: All the above activity is dependent on continued adherence to the published government roadmap out of lock down and maybe subject to change at any time.