Friday Community Sessions continue from Nov 19th
Posted by Brighton Cougars on 3 November 2021
The next Community session will take place on Friday November 19th at the following times.
Session 1: 6.30-7.45pm 10-13 year olds (Y6-8 only)
Session 2: 8.00-9.15pm 13-16 year olds (Y9-11 only)
Sessions will then continue every week until the Xmas holidays. The last session this term will be Friday December 17th and we will return again in the New Year on Friday January 7th.
To attend thse sessions, apply to join the club and mark your application Community Sessions. Although club membership is free, players must also purchase a Basketball England Local League playing licence which will cost £8.50 for the season. Full details will be sent on application.
Each session costs £5 payable on entry.