COVID-19 Standard Operating Procedure
Posted by Brighton Cougars on 29 September 2020
- You or any family member has any symptoms of coronavirus – high temperature >37.8°, a new continuous cough or a loss/change to your sense of smell or taste
- You or a family member has had a positive Covid test and you are still in your isolation period. If you still have a high temperature after your isolation period you must not return to basketball, you should continue to isolate
- You have been advised to self-isolate by another establishment e.g. school
- You have returned from a foreign country in the last 14 days which has not got a travel bridge in place with the UK.
- You and your family has been advised to self-isolate by NHS Test and Track
- You should not attend training if you are not well enough to attend school
- You or any family member have had any Covid symptoms which have developed 48hrs after last attending training/a match
- You have a positive Covid test – you must then isolate for at least 10 days from th onset of symptoms. If you tested positive with no symptoms but then developed symptoms you should re-start your 10 day isolation
- A family member has a positive Covid test – you must isolate for 14 days
- You have been advised to self-isolate by NHS Test and Track
- At each training session a log will be kept of all attendees. They can only attend IF their temperatures are < 37.8°C (100.04°F) and they able to answer “NO” to all Covid screening questions.
- Logs will be emailed to the Covid officer and kept in the kit bag for 21 days.
- At screening, if anyone has a temperature of >37.8°C they will be asked to move away from the group and will be re-tested after 5 mins. If still >37.8°C they will be asked to leave training session and to seek advice from NHS 111.
- Anyone answering ‘yes’ to any screening questions will be asked to leave the training session
- Masks must be worn until entering the gym
- Balls must be disinfected before entering the gym
- Hands must be sanitized before entering the gym and on re-entering
- Temperature checks will be carried out prior to entry. Screening questions should be completed on the ProActive website and the green pass shown to the Match Covid Officer.
- The visiting team will be allocated an area to wait until a member of the Cougars screening team carries out screening on all visiting team personal
- The visiting team will be advised on the 1 way system in place, where hand sanitizing stations are and asked to disinfect all balls.
- It will be expected that the visiting team will advise Cougars if any member of the visiting team develops Covid symptoms in the 48hrs post-match or if anyone subsequently tests positive for Covid19
- If notified that a team member/coach/assistant has symptoms but not yet had a test result Cougars will advise all members of the club who they were in contact with during the past 48hrs. These people should not self-isolate but should take extra care in practising social distancing and hand hygiene
- If notified of a positive Covid test of a team member/coach/assistant all members of the club who were in contact with that individual 48 hours prior to their symptoms arose will be contacted and advised to self-isolate. Should they display symptoms they should arrange a test
- Report any positive Covid cases to Basketball England, the training establishment and any visiting team
Isolation and Covid guidance is correct as of 20.09.20 as per and